- 1. WAP to calcuate netsalary of an employee using a class name employee.
- 2. write c++ program to read data on N employee and compute net salary of each employee using class employee.
- 3. define a student class with other member data. decalre an array of 10 student , find the average of two better marks for each student.
- 4. WAP to implement function overloading fucntion ADD that returns complex number. a. ADD(a,s1) where a is interger and s1 is complex. b. ADD(s1,s2) where s1 and s2 both are complex.
- 5. WAP to implement hybrid inheritance
Program number 1
#include<conio.h> class employee { int emp_id; char emp_name[20]; float basic,da,it,netsal,gross; public: void read_data(); void net_cal(); void write_data(); }; void employee::read_data() { cout<<"\n\t EMPLOYEE DETAILS"<<endl; cout<<"enter name:"<<endl; cin>>emp_name; cout<<"emp_id:"<<endl; cin>>emp_id; cout<<"enter basic:"<<endl; cin>>basic; } void employee::net_cal() { da=0.52*basic; gross=basic+da; it=0.30*gross; netsal=gross-it; } void employee::write_data() { cout<<"\n\t EMPLOYEE DETAILS"<<endl; cout<<"emp_name:"<<emp_name<<endl; cout<<"emp_id:"<<emp_id<<endl; cout<<"basic:"<<basic<<endl; cout<<"da:"<<da<<endl; cout<<"gross:"<<gross<<endl; cout<<"it:"<<it<<endl; cout<<"netsal:"<<netsal<<endl; } void main() { clrscr(); employee e1; e1.read_data(); e1.net_cal(); e1.write_data(); getch(); } Program number 2#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class employee { int emp_id; char emp_name[20]; float basic,da,it,netsal,gross; public: void read_data(); void net_cal(); void write_data(); }; void employee::read_data() { cout<<"\n\t EMPLOYEE DETAILS"<<endl; cout<<"enter name:"<<endl; cin>>emp_name; cout<<"emp_id:"<<endl; cin>>emp_id; cout<<"enter basic:"<<endl; cin>>basic; } void employee::net_cal() { da=0.52*basic; gross=basic+da; it=0.30*gross; netsal=gross-it; } void employee::write_data() { cout<<"\n\t EMPLOYEE DETAILS"<<endl; cout<<"emp_name:"<<emp_name<<endl; cout<<"emp_id:"<<emp_id<<endl; cout<<"basic:"<<basic<<endl; cout<<"da:"<<da<<endl; cout<<"gross:"<<gross<<endl; cout<<"it:"<<it<<endl; cout<<"netsal:"<<netsal<<endl; } void main() { int i; clrscr(); employee e[3]; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { e[i].read_data(); e[i].net_cal(); } cout<<"EMPLOYEE DETAILS"<<endl; for(i=0;i<3;i++) e[i].write_data(); getch(); }
Program number 4
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> class sample { private: int real; int img; public: void getdata(); //void sum(); void display(); friend sample add(sample s1, sample s2); friend sample add(int a, sample s2); }; void sample::getdata() { cout<<"Enter the data:"; cin>>real>>img; } void sample::display() { cout<<real<<"+i"<<img; } sample add(int a, sample s1) { sample tmp; tmp.real=a + s1.real; tmp.img=s1.img; return tmp; } sample add(sample s1, sample s2) { sample temp; temp.real=s1.real+s2.real; temp.img=s1.img+s2.img; return temp; } void main() { clrscr(); sample s1,s2,s3,s4; int a; s1.getdata(); s2.getdata(); cout<<"enter a:"; cin>>a; s4=add(a,s1); s4.display(); s3=add(s1,s2); s3.display(); getch(); }HYBRID INHERITANCE
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class student { protected: int roll; public: void getroll(int a) {roll=a;} void putroll() { cout<<"roll="<<roll; } }; class test:public student { protected: int game; public: void gettest(int a) { game=a; } void puttest() { cout<<"game="<<game; } }; class sports { protected: int score; public: void getscore(int v) { score=v; } void putscore() { cout<<"scorre="<<score; } }; class result:public sports, public test { protected: int total; public: void display() { total=score+game; cout<<"total="<<total; } }; void main() { result r; r.getroll(5); r.gettest(20); r.getscore(12); r.display(); getch(); }
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